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About Corcelain

Co-creation Porcelain - 共創のための磁器
Corcelain is a co-creation porcelain with screw holes. By adding extension parts, it can morph into cups, flowerpots, toys, and more, allowing for limitless customization. This is a growing ecosystem for co-creation that you can hack, personalize, and improve, depending on your infinite imagination.



Kosuke Takahashi

Inventor / Product Designer

Kosuke Takahashi is an inventor and product designer dedicated to exploring new ways of communication that help people build connections. He has been working on fostering playful communication that transcends disability, age, gender, and other divisions.

高橋 鴻介

発明家 / プロダクトデザイナー


Made in Saga, Japan

Made with 224 Porcelain
This product was realized with 224 Porcelain, a Hizen Yoshida-yaki kiln located in Saga, Japan. In addition to mastering porcelain-making techniques passed down over 400 years, 224 Porcelain has continuously embraced bold new challenges by incorporating the latest digital fabrication technologies.

このプロダクトは、佐賀県嬉野市にある肥前吉田焼の窯元「224 Porcelain」との出会いによって実現しました。224 Porcelainは、400年間伝承されてきた磁器づくりの技法に加え、CNC加工や3Dプリンターなどの最新のデジタル加工技術を用いて、今までにない挑戦的なものづくりを続けている窯元です。